
Please note, timings are in Central European Summer Time (CEST)

  1. Keynote: EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability: One year of scientific support

    • The EU took the next leap forward towards sustainability with the green deal, recognising more than ever that the future needs policies that merge the policies of environment and industry into a consistent long term agenda of protection, innovation and EU competitiveness. The chemicals strategy is a prime example of this and it is most exciting and fun to help the Commission, the EP, the Council and the Member States meet this enormous challenge using the EUs scientific and technical experience and competences.
    • With close to 15 years of experience, ECHA can help find an efficient road to sustainability, which increases consistency. Efficiency and consistency becomes the more important when facing the fact that most players today are struggling with having the needed resources to implement todays obligations.
    • A key repeating issue in providing support to the Commissions strategy is of course to stay always within ECHAs scientific and technical mandate and thereby ensure also that the Commission, EP and Council can exercise their policy responsibility!
    Bjorn Hansen Bjorn Hansen
    Executive Director, European Chemicals Agency
  2. Event welcome

    Chemical Watch

    Leigh Stringer Moderator: Leigh Stringer
    Managing Editor, Europe, Chemical Watch News & Insight, Enhesa Product Intelligence
  3. Keynote Q&A

  4. Session one: Implementing the EU's Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability
  5. The EU Commission’s vision for the strategy: One year on

    Cristina de Avila Cristina de Avila
    Head of Unit, Sustainable Chemicals, DG Environment, European Commission
  6. The strategy’s roadmap to prioritise substances of concern for REACH restrictions

    Claudio Mereu Claudio Mereu
    Partner, EU Regulatory, Fieldfisher LLP, Belgium
  7. Amending REACH requirements under the CSS: A PFAS example

    • An overview of the proposed changes to REACH requirements under the CSS 
    • Examples of what this would mean for a (hypothetical) PFAS substance, giving attendees a very concrete view of the amount and extent of changes they may expect to affect their substances
    Eléonore Mullier Eléonore Mullier
    Partner, Steptoe LLP, Belgium
  8. Q&A

  9. Break

  10. Amending hazard classes under CLP: An overview from the EU Commission

    Including endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) and very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvB) substances, and persistent and mobile substance

    Roberto Scazzola Roberto Scazzola
    Scientific Policy Officer, European Commission DG GROW
  11. Amending hazard classes under CLP: Industry perspective

    Liisi De Backer Liisi De Backer
    Product Stewardship Manager, Cefic
  12. The metals sector perspective – a holistic view on Chemicals, Climate and Circularity (the three Cs)

    • Eurometaux has developed an assessment of what the CSS means for the metals sector, and will continue to adapt this moving forward as clarity improves on some of the new concepts in the CSS   
    • This presentation will explore key areas and provide an understanding of where and how the sector can contribute to achieving the aims of the CSS – for example on risk management, knowledge and data 
    Simon Cook Simon Cook
    Chemicals Management Advisor, Eurometaux
  13. Developing the safe and sustainable-by-design criteria

  14. Q&A

  15. Lunch Break

  16. Session two: Creating a stronger and more simplified legal framework
  17. Essential use criteria: State of play

    Jean-Philippe Montfort Jean-Philippe Montfort
    Partner, Mayer Brown Europe-Brussels LLP
  18. An industry perspective on the essential use criteria

    Steven Van de Broeck Steven Van de Broeck
    Executive Director Product Stewardship, Cefic
  19. Q&A

  20. Hazard v Risk Approach: A panel discussion and Q&A

    Andrew Fasey Moderator: Andrew Fasey
    Senior Scientific and Regulatory Advisor, Mayer Brown LLP
    Matthias Herzler Panelist: Matthias Herzler
    Head of Unit Coordination and Assessment Strategies, Department Chemical and Product Safety, German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment
    Giuseppe Casella Panelist: Giuseppe Casella
    Head of REACH Unit, DG Grow, European Commission
    Frida Hök Panelist: Frida Hök
    Deputy Director, ChemSec, Sweden
  21. Break

  22. Session three: Providing a model to inspire chemicals management globally
  23. Global impact from the EU CSS: What’s happening worldwide as a result?

    • Inspired actions taken so far by other regions
    • Challenges with importing and exporting
    • Sustainability as a only way, Asian perspective
    • Supply chain impacts, manufacturing, importing and exporting
    • Best Mix solution with Regulation and Voluntary
    Karyn Schmidt Karyn Schmidt
    Squire Patton Boggs
    Dr Kenkichi Fujii Dr Kenkichi Fujii
    Research Fellow and Director, Regulatory Science, Kao Corporation
  24. Q&A

  25. Panel discussion: Looking forward: What’s next for developing regulations through the CSS?

    Speakers include:

    Sylvie Lemoine Sylvie Lemoine
    Deputy Director General, Cefic
    Howard Chase Howard Chase
    Chairman, European Regulation and Innovation Forum (ERIF)
    Stefan Scheuer Stefan Scheuer
    Chief EU Policy Advocate, CHEM Trust
  26. Q&A

  27. Close of conference