Cissie Yeung
Product Regulatory, Compliance & Advocacy Manager, SEA Region, and SCIC, Industry Co-chair of ARCP,, Shell Eastern Petroleum, Singapore -
- Session 1: developments in china and sinagpore
China: government regulatory departments update
China's central government has announced plans to reform the organisational structure of the State Council. If adopted this will see changes to the major regulatory bodies that deal with chemicals, including: the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP), State Administration of Work Safety (SAWS) and China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA).
Under the proposal the MEP would be renamed the Ministry of Ecological Environment (MEE). And it would take more responsibility for ecological protection and environmental management of chemical substances in China.This presentation will discuss:
- the history of MEP and MEE: Six reforms
- key responsibilities of MEE in comparison of that of MEP
- the history of State Administration of Work Safety (SAWS)
- key responsibilities and major change induced regarding chemical regulations
- entry-exit inspection and quarantine integrated into general administration of Customs, P.R.China
China: update on chemicals legislation/ what’s going to happen
- Overview of new chemical regulations
- Current situation of new chemical notifications in China
- Order No 7 revise idea and progress
- Chemical hazard identification, classification and registration
China: hazardous chemicals, GHS and dangerous goods
Emerging Chemical Regulations in China – Challenges and Opportunities
- New chemical regulation enforcement
- Registration – established process for carcinogenicity review
- Inspection – 2018 Shanghai inspection focus
- Future – existing chemical management
- Priority chemical list
- Existing chemical regulation development
- Plan of existing chemical hazard screening and environmental risk assessment
- Industry challenges and opportunities
- New chemical regulation enforcement
Singapore: National Chemical Management and GHS Task Force and Singapore Standards
- session 2: developments elsewhere in asia
South Korea: updates to K-REACH (key aspect of K-REACH amendments)
South Korea: industry perspective
Chemical Substances Registration Status and Regulation Revision in Taiwan
Ya-Hui (Cherish) Ni
Deputy General Manager(Vice President), Environment Resource & Information Co Ltd -
Japan: regulatory update
- Chemical regulations overview in Japan
- Requirements of main chemical regulations
- Update of CSCL (Chemical Substances Control Law)
Malaysia: chemical regulatory update
Mohd Faeizie bin Mahat
Principal Assistant Director, Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) -
Current Status and Proposed Changes of Chemical Control Legislation in Thailand
- Main chemical regulation in Thailand
- CBI submission
- List 5.6 notification: current situation
- Thailand Existing Chemicals Inventory (TECI): current situation and plan
- Updates
Piyatida (Tung) Pukclai
Asia-Pacific Business Development & Regulatory Policy Lead, knoell, Thailand -
Close of Day One & cocktail reception